- What did you accomplish? I accomplished making accurate
- measurements, following the grid lines and enlarging Spider-
- Man.
- Are you satisfied with your Super Hero enlargement? Why /
- Why not? I’m not satisfied because I am not good at enlarging
- images.
- What did you find easy when you created your Super Hero
- enlargement? I found the painting easy because the brush
- was
- small so I could paint in the lines of my super hero.
- What did you find challenging when you were creating your
- Super Hero enlargement? I found drawing the lines on
- Spiderman challenging.
- What do you need to work on? I need to work on following
- the
- grid lines and drawing to scale.
- What would you change with your Super Hero enlargement?
- I should have spaced out the lines on Spiderman’s red suit.
7. What would you do next time to improve super hero
enlargement? Space out the lines and make the lines straight.
enlargement? Space out the lines and make the lines straight.
hahaha... nice story well done on making an superhero enlargement.