Tuesday, February 26, 2019

We wrote a broken circle poem.This poem is for my uncle.

Stanza 1

There's a break in our family circle.
A missing root in our family tree.
An empty plate at our family table.
A missing piece from my heart inside of me.

Stanza 2

You’ve left our family here on earth,
you are the special person in our family community
you seem so far away,
yet I miss your personality.  

We wrote a broken circle poem. This is for my uncle.

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

This is my pepeha for our identity

My Pepeha

Talofa lava

Ko Puketapapa toku maunga

Ko Moananui a kiwa toku moana

Ko Tamaki makaurau toku iwi

Ko Mt Roskill  tokou hapu

Ko Christ the King toku kura

No Hamoa ahau

Ko Siaosi toku papa

Ko Daisy toku mama

Ko Joseph toku ingoa

Tena koutou, tena koutou, tena koutou katoa